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"35 under 35" salon event was successfully held

The first "35 under 35" technical Salon event of UKCSAE was successfully held on June 18 2023.  The theme of the first salon event is autonomous driving technology. Professor Xu Hongming, chairman of the association, delivered an enthusiastic opening speech. Four special guests gave academic reports and discussions on autonomous driving related technologies in turn.


Dr. Zhang Dong from the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Brunel University in the UK shared with everyone the development and industrial application of emergency curve driving assistance systems. Dr. Zhang is currently a lecturer and assistant professor in automotive engineering, and the person in charge of the smart car and traffic control direction.


The second report came from Dr. Fu Qiang, Chief Automotive Cybersecurity Engineer at Tevva New Energy Trucks. The topic of his report was "hacker attacks" against autonomous driving systems ADAS.


Dr. Yuanjian Zhang from the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering at Loughborough University in the UK shared with everyone the visual perception technology under extreme weather conditions. Dr. Zhang is currently a lecturer/assistant professor in the field of smart electric vehicles.


The last guest speaker was Zhang Aobo, a system architecture research engineer. He shared how the new generation of electronic and electrical architecture enables autonomous driving applications.


After the report, guests and online audiences had a wonderful discussion on autonomous driving technology.


The event was strongly supported by the association's partner Gasgoo and attracted more than 12,000 online viewers.

The "35 under 35" series of technique salon aims to provide a platform for young talents to showcase themselves, and to share their experiences and insights in study, research and work with members and colleagues. If there are young talents who are interested in participating in the future series of activities as guests, please contact the person in charge of the association.

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